1. Certificates of civil status
The applicant (the person submitting the request for the acquisition of the Romanian Citizenship):
– Birth / marriage / divorce certificates (original and certified true copies);
– Birth / marriage / death certificates of the applicant’s parents (in original and certified true copies) and translated into Romanian, as the case may be;
– Birth / marriage / death certificates of grandparents and great-grandparents if you do not have grandparents born until June 1940 (original and certified true copies, translated into Romanian, if needed). In the case of a lone mother, confirmation from the Civil Status Service is required;
If the applicant has minor children:
– Minors’ birth certificates (original and certified true copies);
4. Criminal record
If you manage to collect and verify the correctness of all civil status documents, you can prepare the criminal record.
Once you have all the papers done, place them in a folder with metal prongs and fill in the application for filing the dossier.
The application for the consideration of the dossier is submitted to the territorial offices for citizenship of the National Citizenship Authority, subordinated to the Ministry of Justice in Iasi, Timisoara, Galati, Suceava and Cluj Napoca, or to the National Citizenship Authority in Bucharest. The average time for processing and consideration requests for Romanian citizenship is from 5 to 18 months.